### eRef /PractitionerRole Resource Profile **completeness: 60% - Pilot Ready%** [view discussion space](https://3.basecamp.com/3573371/buckets/7959278/documents/1118681460) The PractitionerRole represents the activity (such as specialty and job title) and contact information that a Practitioner may perform at an organization/location. PractitionerRole is used in a variety of ways in an eReferral process: * In an eReferral ServiceRequest it is used to represent 1. the Patient's general pracitioner 2. the eReferral Requester 3. an appointment provider * In a Provider Registry, it is used to represent the service that a Practitioner provides ### USAGE NOTES * The values recommended for **Reference.display** are carefully selected such that if onply PractitionerRole is retreived (without retreiving Practitioner, Organization, Location or Endpoint), there is sufficient information presented, for most use cases. * Any elements that are duplicated with the **Practitioner** resource (i.e., telecom, address) as it relates to providing a service should be recorded in PractitionerRole instead of Practitioner ### LEGEND * `<>` indicates that the element is useful for a registry directory purpose, but not for eReferral purposes. * ~~strikethrough~~ indicates the the element is not included in this profile * `red` indicates that the field is likely useful in a future iteration of the specification **Canonical URl for this profile:** http://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/StructureDefinition/ca-eReferral-PractitionerRole | Name | Card | Type | Comments |Terminology Binding| |---|---|---|---| | `identifier` | `0..*` | `Identifier` | `for future use` used to provide business identifiers that are specific to this role/location. Note that clinician qualifications (such as CPSO number) would be included in the practitioner resource instead of PractitionerRole.| | `<>active` | `0..1` | `boolean` | `<> Provider Registry - for future use - whether this practitioner role record is in active use` | | ~~period~~ | ~~0..1~~ | ~~Period~~ | ~~The period during which the practitioner is authorized to perform in these role(s)~~ | practitioner | 0..1 | Reference(Practitioner) | Practitioner that is able to provide the defined services for the organization. Use **.display** to indicate the practitioner's full name | organization | 0..1 | Reference(Organization) | references the /Organization resource related to this role. Use **.display** to indicate the organization name. | code | 0..* | CodeableConcept | the roles (or "job titles") that this practitioner role performs. Use the Snomed Codes from [PractitionerRole](https://hl7.org/fhir/2018Jan/valueset-practitioner-role.html) value set. Always use PracttionerRole.code.text for the text representation, especially for when there are not matches to the valueset | |code.text | 0..1 | string | Indicate job title. Can be a free string, does not need to come from valueSet. It is anticipated that using .text will be more common than using a valueset. | | specialty | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Clinician specialty. Use the [Practice Setting Code](https://hl7.org/fhir/2018Jan/valueset-c80-practice-codes.html) valueset | | location | ~~0..*~~ 0..1 | Reference(Location) | references the /Location resource (i.e., address) related to this role. Use **.display** to indicate the full resolvable address (e.g., via Google Maps). | `<>healthcareService` | `0..*` | `Reference(HealthcareService)` | `<> Provider Regsitry - for future use` The list of healthcare services that this worker provides for this role's Organization/Location(s). Use **.display** to indicate the name and organization of the HealthcareService (e.g., Flu Clinic, Lakeside Pharmacy | | telecom | 0..* | ContactPoint | Contact information for this role. It is expected that the value for .use = work" in most circumstances. see notes on [Common Resource Elements](https://simplifier.net/guide/eReferraldraftiGuide/CommonResourceElements) | `<>availableTime` | `0..*` | `BackboneElement` | `<> Provider Registry - for future use` | | ~~notAvailable~~ | ~~0..1~~ | ~~BackboneElement~~ | Not available during this time due to provided reason | `<>availablilityExceptions` | `0..1` | `string` | `<> Provider Registry - for future use` | `<>endpoint` | `0..*` | `Reference(Endpoint)` | `<> Provider Registry - for future use` The endpoint where this practitioner receives referrals for this role. Use **.display** to indicate the endpoint uri. |