### /Appointment (temp) ## eRef /Appointment Resource Profile **completeness: 60% - Pilot Ready** [view discussion space](https://3.basecamp.com/3573371/buckets/7773495/documents/1125071725) ### LEGEND * ~~strikethrough~~ indicates the the element is not included in this profile * `red` indicates that the field is likely useful in a future iteration of the specification **Canonical URl for this profile:** http://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/StructureDefinition/ca-eReferral-Appointment | Name | Card | Type | Comments |Terminology Binding| |---|---|---|---| | text | 0..1 | Narrative | Human readable text | text.div | 1..1 | xhtml | Full text summary of the appointment, human readable that can be pasted into other systems with complete information about the appointment. | text.status | 1..1 | code | ="generated" | ~~identifier~~ | ~~0..0~~ | ~~Identifier~~ | Not needed | status | 1..1 | code | proposed / pending / booked / arrived / fulfilled / cancelled / noshow / entered-in-error [AppointmentStatus](http://hl7.org/fhir/2018Jan/valueset-appointmentstatus.html) (Required). Value will be **status="booked"** in most cases. | ~~serviceCategory~~ | ~~0..0~~ | ~~CodeableConcept~~ | see HealthcareService in related ServiceRequest | ~~serviceType~~ | ~~0..0~~ | ~~CodeableConcept~~ | see HealthcareService in related ServiceRequest | ~~specialty~~ | ~~0..0~~ | ~~CodeableConcept~~ | see HealthcareService in related ServiceRequest | ~~appointmentType~~ | ~~0..1~~ | ~~CodeableConcept~~ | Has values such as CHECKUP, EMERGENCY, FOLLOWUP, WALKIN, ROUTINE. Usually an eReferral is none of these, it is an INTAKE or ASSESSMENT type. | ~~reason~~ | ~~0..0~~ | ~~CodeableConcept~~ | | ~~indication~~ | ~~0..0~~ | ~~Reference(Condition \ Procedure)~~ | | ~~priority~~ | ~~0..0~~ | ~~unsignedInt~~ | | description | 0..1 | string | Title of the appointment (SUBJECT in MS Outlook) | ~~supportingInformation~~ | ~~0..0~~ | ~~eRefReferralRequest()~~ | | start | 0..1 | instant | Start time of the appointment (STARTS in MS Outlook) | end | 0..1 | instant | End time of the appointment (ENDS in MS Outlook) | minutesDuration | 0..1 | positiveInt | Duration of the appointment (DURATION in MS Outlook) | `slot` | `0..*` | `Reference(Slot)` | `for future use, when a slot-filling API process is available` | created | 0..1 | dateTime | The date that this appointment was initially created (note: NOT the time of the appointment itself) | comment | 0..1 | string | additional comments and details about the appointment (BODY MS Outlook). | `patientInstruction` | `0..1` | `string` | `for future use. Detailed information and instructions for the patient` | basedOn | 0..* | Reference (ServiceRequest) | The ServiceRequest provided as information to allocate to the appointment | participant | 1..* | BackboneElement | | ~~participant.type~~ | ~~0..*~~ | ~~CodeableConcept~~ | Role of participant in the appointment | participant.actor | 0..1 | Reference(Patient) | References the same Patient as in basedOn.ServiceRequest | participant.actor | 0..1 | Reference(PractitionerRole) | References the PractitionerRole who is providing the appointment | participant.actor | 0..1 | Reference(HealthcareService) | References the same HealthcareService as in basedOn.ServiceRequest. Note thate this will be an external reference (like in the ServiceRequest) | participant.actor | 0..1 | Reference(Location) | Reference the Location where the appointment is provided. May be the same or different as the Location in basedOn.HealthcareService. | ~~participant.required~~ | ~~0..1~~ | ~~code~~ | ~~required / optional / information only~~ | participant.status | 1..1 | code | accepted / decline / tentative / needs action. For any booked appointment, it is expected that the **status=accepted** | ~~participant.period~~ | ~~0..1~~ | ~~Period~~ | ~~Participation period of the actor~~ | `requestedPeriod` | `0..*` | `Period` | `for future use, potential date/time interval(s) requested to allocate the appointment within`