## eRef /Location Resource Profile **completeness: 60% - Advanced Draft** [view discussion space](https://3.basecamp.com/3573371/buckets/7959278/documents/1118679931) ### Location Location includes both incidental locations (a place which is used for healthcare without prior designation or authorization) and dedicated, formally appointed locations. Locations may be private, public, mobile or fixed and scale from small freezers to full hospital buildings or parking garages. Location is used in a variety of ways in an eReferral process: * In an eReferral ServiceRequest it is used to represent 1. the Patient's general pracitioner's address 2. the eReferral Requester's address 3. an appointment provider's address 4. The patient's address * In a Provider or HealthcaareService Registry, it is used to represent location of the provided service. In this case additional fields become usefule, such as physicalType, position, managingOrganization, hoursOfOperation, and availabilityExceptions. ### LEGEND * `<>` indicates that the element is useful for a registry directory purpose, but not for eReferral purposes. * ~~strikethrough~~ indicates the the element is not included in this profile * `red` indicates that the field is likely useful in a future iteration of the specification **Canonical URl for this profile:** http://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/StructureDefinition/ca-eReferral-Location | Name | Card | Type | Comments |Terminology Binding| |---|---|---|---| | ~~identifier~~ | ~~0..*~~ | ~~Identifier~~ | | | `<>`status | 0..1 | code | active, suspended (temporary), inactive (permenant). | ~~operationalStatus~~ | ~~0..*~~ | ~~Coding~~ | Is typically for a bed/room, n/a for referrals | name | 0..1 | string | Name used to reference the location (e.g., downtown site) | ~~alias~~ | ~~0..*~~ | ~~string~~ | unnecessary | ~~description~~ | ~~0..1~~ | ~~string~~ | Unnecessary, sufficiently handled by "name" element | ~~mode~~ | ~~0..1~~ | ~~code~~ | unnecessary | ~~type~~ | ~~0..*~~ | ~~CodeableConcept~~ | unnecessary | telecom | 0..* | ContactPoint | Currently communicated at /HealthcareService & /PractitionerRole. If there is a Location.telecom value, then it takes precedence over other spots. See comments in [Common Resource Elements](https://simplifier.net/ui/ig/edit/ereferraldraftiguide/editor) | address | 0..1 | Address | Physical address of the location. See comments in [Common Resource Elements](https://simplifier.net/ui/ig/edit/ereferraldraftiguide/editor) | `<>physicalType` | `0..1` | `CodeableConcept` | `Future use` consider indicating site, virtual, phone, in this field. | `<>position` | `0..1` | `BackboneElement` | Use in HealthcareService Directory or Provider Registry | `<>position.longitude` | `1..1` | `decimal` | `<>position.latitude` | `1..1` | `decimal` | ~~<>position.altitude~~ | ~~0..1~~ | ~~decimal~~ | `<>managingOrganization` | `0..1` | `Reference(Organization)` | `for future use` - note that some services are provided at a different organization than the service organization (e.g., a group counselling session location at a community hall, but run by CMHA) | ~~partOf~~ | ~~0..*~~ | ~~Reference(Location)~~ | | `<>hoursOfOperation` | `0..*` | `BackboneElement` | Use in HealthcareService Directory or Provider Registry | `<>hoursOfOperation.daysOfWeek` | `0..*` | `code` | | `<>hoursOfOperation.allDay` | `0..1` | `boolean` | | `<>hoursOfOperation.openingTime` | `0..1` | `time` | | `<>hoursOfOperation.closingTime` | `0..1` | `time` | `<>avaiabilityExceptions` | `0..1` | `string` | | ~~endpoint~~ | ~~0..*~~ | ~~Reference(Endpoint)~~ | In service directories, use the endpoint of HealthcareService of PractitionerRole instead. | extension | 0..1 | Attachment | URL = http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/location-boundary-geojson - boundary-geojson: A boundary shape that represents the outside edge of the location (in GeoJSON format). This shape may have holes, and disconnected shapes. Use on Element ID Location