## eRef /HealthcareService Resource Profile ### eRef /ResourceName Resource Profile **Completeness: 55% Advanced Draft** - [view discussion space](https://3.basecamp.com/3573371/buckets/7959278/documents/1118678252) The HealthcareService resource is used to describe a single healthcare service or category of services that are provided by an organization at a location. The location of the services could be virtual, as with TeleMedicine Services. With appropriate usage of the reference.display elements, the "healthcareService" resource alone provides sufficient information to route a referral without need to retrieve the related location and organization resources. HealthcareServices can be federated to be displayed in many directories. However, each listing has one **Listing Host System**, which is used as the source of truth, and issues an identifier for the listing. ### LEGEND * ~~strikethrough~~ indicates the the element is not included in this profile * `red` indicates that the field is likely useful in a future iteration of the specification **Canonical URl for this profile:** http://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/StructureDefinition/ca-eReferral-HealthcareService | Name | Card | Type | Comments |Terminology Binding| |---|---|---|---| | resourceType | 1..1 | string | ="HealthcareService | text.status | 1..1 | string | ="generated" | text.div | 1..1 | | Display an HTML summary of the resource. Treat it as content which could be displayed when reviewing the service in a viewer (like a website or EMR). `Consider standardizing this layout` | identifier | 0..* | Identifier | Used to provide identifier codes for the service. The **Listing Host System** is responsible for issuing a unique identifier (with .code="HCS"). Additional identifiers may also be applied to HealthcareServices (e.g., Pharmacy IDs). | | active | 0..1 | boolean | True for services that are available. False if the service has been deleted. | providedBy|0..1|reference ([eRef_Organization]())| The organization that provides the service. Note that referrals are made to the HealthcareService which has an organization, never the Organization. | providedBy.reference |0..1|string| Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL | providedBy.display |0..1|string|Show the name of the organization being refernced. e.g., "Canadian Red Cross" | category | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | The healthcare sector of the listing. (e.g., Mental Health & Addictions, Community Support Services, Children's Services, Specialists, etc). | type | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | This element is used as the primary service categorization search field. For directories that have clinical specialties, the terminology set should include values from the [practice codes value set](https://www.hl7.org/fhir/valueset-c80-practice-codes.html). | specialty | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Use this field only for clinical specialties. | location |0..*|reference (Location)| Location(s) where service may be provided | location.reference | 0..1 | string | Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL | location.display | 0..1 | string | The full address(es) of the service. Should be resolvable by GIS systems such as Google Maps (e.g., 10 Main st, Toronto, Ontario, Canada). | name | 0..1 | string | The name of the healthcareService presented to the consumer & referrer (e.g., "Lakeshore Adult Day Program"). | comment | 0..1 | string | Includes the PRIMARY summary description details about a service. | extraDetails | 0..1 | string | Includes the SECONDARY description details about a service (which may be omitted from a service summary, or accessible through "view more" options, etc...). | `photo` | `0..1` | `Attachment` | `For future use` | telecom | 0..* | ContactPoint | List the inquiry phone, email, fax for this service. See comments in [Common Resource Elements](https://simplifier.net/ui/ig/edit/ereferraldraftiguide/editor) | coverage_area | 0..* | CodeableConcept | returns a CodeableConcept containing a shape object, normally contained in a POLYGON() object | serviceProvisionCode | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Is the service free, discounted, or fees apply? [ServiceProvisionConditions](https://hl7.org/fhir/2018Jan/valueset-service-provision-conditions.html) | ~~eligibility~~ | ~~0..1~~ | ~~CodeableConcept~~ | is insufficently defined or distinguishable from eligibilityNote in the FHIR specification, this is not used in this implementation. This could be preferred over eligibilityNote if converted to cardinality of 1..* | eligibilityNote | 0..1 | string | Used to contain all eligibility requirements for the service | ~~programName~~ | ~~0.1~~ | ~~string~~ | is not used. | characteristic | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Treat this is a "tag field" or "keyword field" (e.g, Vegetarian Meals, hypo-allergenic environment, pets allowed, etc...) that can support any value provided by system hosting this healthcareService listing. | referralMethod | 0..* | CodeableConcept | value should = elec for services that are enabled with eReferral | referralMethod | 0..* | CodeableConcept | value should = elec for services that are enabled with eReferral | referralMethod | 0..* | CodeableConcept | value should = elec for services that are enabled with eReferral. | ~~appointmentRequired~~ | ~~0..1~~ | ~~boolean~~ | is used to indicate that a referral will only be accepted in conjunction with an appointment booking. | ~~availableTime~~ | ~~0..*~~ | ~~BackboneElement~~ | Use Location.hoursOfOperation instead. Times the service site is available. | ~~notAvailable~~ | ~~0..1~~ | ~~BackboneElement~~ | Use Location.availabilityExceptions instead. Generally unnecessary detail, can alternately be handled by the "availabilityExceptions" element | ~~availabilityExceptions~~ | ~~0..1~~ | ~~string~~ | Use Location.availabilityExceptions instead. Description of availability description (e.g., Not open on statutory holidays). | endpoint| 0..* | Reference (Endpoint)| Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the location | endpoint.reference| 0..* | string | Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL | endpoint.display| 0..* | string | Display the endpoint uri ("address" field in the Endpoint resource). | extension | 0..1 | Attachment | URL = http://help.caredove.com/developer-integrations/fhir-extension-healthcareservice-service-webpage - *valueUrl* - **website**: The webpage that describes this service | extension | 0..1 | Attachment | URL = http://help.caredove.com/developer-integrations/fhir-extension-healthcareservice-service-webpage - *valueUrl* - **website**: The webpage that describes this service | extension | 0..1 | Attachment | URL = http://help.caredove.com/developer-integrations/fhir-extension-healthcareservice-referral-webpage - *valueUrl* - **referralform_url**: The web page with a referral form. | extension | 0..1 | Attachment | URL = http://help.caredove.com/developer-integrations/fhir-extension-healthcareservice-referral-webpage - *valueCodeableConcept* - **languages_offered**: For the language that are offered at a HealthcareService