### eRef /DocumentReference Resource Profile **completeness: 20 - Preliminary Draft%** [view discussion space](https://3.basecamp.com/3573371/buckets/7773495/documents/1125073199) ### LEGEND * ~~strikethrough~~ indicates the the element is not included in this profile * `red` indicates that the field is likely useful in a future iteration of the specification **Canonical URl for this profile:** http://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/StructureDefinition/ca-eReferral-DocumentReference | Name | Card | Type | Comments |Terminology Binding| |---|---|---|---| |~~masterIdentifier~~| ~~0..1~~| ~~Identifier~~ | |~~identifier~~| ~~0..1~~| ~~Identifier~~ | | status | 1..1 | code | | docStatus | 0..1 | code | | ~~type~~ | ~~0..1~~ | ~~CodeableConcept~~ | | class | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | | ~~subject~~ | ~~0..1~~ | ~~Reference(Patient \ Practitioner \ Group \ Device)~~| | created | 0..1 | dateTime | | ~~date~~ | ~~0..1~~ | ~~instant~~ | | ~~agent~~ | ~~0..1~~ | ~~BackboneElement~~ | | ~~authenticator~~ | 0..1 | Reference(Practitioner \ Organization) | | ~~custodian~~ | 0..1 | Reference(Organization) | | relatesTo | 0..* | BackboneElement | | relatesTo.code | 1..1 | code | | relatesTo.target | 1..1 | Reference(DocumentReference) | | description | 0..1 | string | | ~~securityLabel~~ | ~~0..1~~ | ~~CodeableConcept~~ | | content | 1..* | BackboneElement | | content.attachment | 1..1 | Attachment | | ~~content.format~~ | ~~0..1~~ | ~~Coding~~ | | ~~context~~ | ~~0..1~~ | ~~BackboneElement~~|